Garden Planning

Garden Chores

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gardening Progress Report

Ok, a month ago, I started a list of gardening projects I needed to get done before spring hits. Here is my progress on that list:

Force spring bulbs: Not done.
Test seeds: Done
Repot houseplants: Done
Repot seedlings: Done
Start watering German Ivy: Done

Ok, in all honesty it took me a month and not a week to get this list done but, so far so good right? I decided not to force bulbs this year. Not a big deal because I have enough going on in the indoor garden.

The next thing I need to do is keep planting and repotting my seedlings and clean up my outdoor tools for the coming season. It's getting closer everybody!! I can feel it!!


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Wow! You definitely are the gardening guru. :D I'm going to come to you with questions soon about starting plants for my container gardens. :D

Amy said...

I am so waiting for the warm up and can not wait to get back outside to plant some flowers.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

You're better then me....I haven't done anything yet.

Hippie Family... said...

You are AWESOME!!!!

Katherine Aucoin said...

You are getting busy, that's for sure. This weekend we're supposed to be in the mid-70's so hopefully, I can get busy too!

Kathy B! said...

WHat kind of seeds do you have going? I'm doing a bunch of veggies and I'm getting concerned that I've started too soon. They're getting huge!

The Blonde Duck said...

I wish I could grow plants. I have a black thumb.

AP Mommy said...

Kudos on gardening - my thumb is black there is nooo green in it at all :)

Kendra said...

OHHH a gardener! I've always wanted to but I'm scared to death. I'm going to do my own veggie garden this year. Just a 10x10. I've never planted anything in my life.

thotlady said...

Well, goodness, pretty soon we will start calling you Martha!


Frizzy and Bird said...

You're not going to believe this but Yaya and I are growing Zucchini, Sunflowers, Tomatoes and Zenias from seeds. Some of them are getting pretty tall in their little egg shells. When should I transplant them and to what? Also, when should I add a stick to help the sunflower and tomato stand upright? I'm just thrilled we haven't killed them yet! YEAH!

Karen Peterson said...

Oh I wish I had space for a garden!

I live with roommates in a townhouse, I'm never home, and my roommates basically treat the situation as though I'm merely renting a room from them, so my space is rather limited.

One day!

Fresh Mommy said...

You are inspiring me!! I have no list and no items, but the desire for a garden this year... my first!! I need to get moving!


Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

I have to admit, I kept thinking, "What is she reporting about her houseplants?" Oh...repot, not report. LOL ;)

Liz said...

You are doing a great job! All I've been able to accomplish is staring at my muddy garden and imagining all the work I have to do when things finally dry out! You certainly have a green thumb, and I'm glad your other fingers are just as skilled at baking! :)

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