Garden Planning

Garden Chores

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Indoor Garden Clean Up

I was all ready to do my sowing when I realized, I had a giant mess in my indoor garden that I needed to clean up before I could get started. Here is what it looked like before:

After some purging and pruning, this is what I came up with:

Now, I have some more room in which to work! Not a lot..but some:-)


Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

Lookin' good!

debi9kids said...

That looks wonderful! Looks like you have a GREAT start for the spring :)

EmmaP said...

nice work!

cat said...

Oh Suzy I really admire how "together" you are with everything.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

looks good! I bet you are itching to get the garden outside!

mommytoalot said...

Super job!!

Amy said...

Wow you are always working hard at your house.

angie said...

It's amazing what a difference that pruning made. Good luck with your garden!

Braley Mama said...

You are a very talented Horticulturist!

chitra said...

Nice and spruced up. Looks good!

Roxane said...

Wow that looks great! I wish I had an indoor herb garden but Maybeline would eat it all :/

Cascia said...

That looks great! You really have a head start on your spring garden. I wish I was that organized.

blueviolet said...

I am truly in awe of you!

Together We Save said...

Wow - I am impressed.

Natashya KitchenPuppies said...

I really want to learn how to have an indoor garden. I would like herbs and microgreens that I could keep inside all year long.
We have a short and unpredictable season here outside, and little natural light inside.
You are inspiring!

Life with Kaishon said...

Oh my goodness! You did a great job with that garden! Way to go!

Alicia said...

You are so on top of things, Susie!

Candi said...

You are an inspiration! By the way, we did the seed testing last week and they sprouted! Thanks so much for the tutorial!

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