Garden Planning

Garden Chores

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Batten Down the Hatches

No gardening this week because I am too busy cleaning up from this week's storm. It knocked over our brand new grill!! I could hardly pick it back up but the wind knocked it over!! Holy Crap! And, look what it did to our shed:

Totally blew the doors off!!!! Granted, it wasn't the most sound structure but geeeeezzz!


lailani said...

:( Seemed strange to have so many state receiving such bad weather and the deperately needed rain just would not touch us. (Finally did during the night -Thank God). Sorry for the mess Mother Nature left you.

Candi said...

I was watching on the weather channel about the wind advisories. Thankfully it wasn't any worse.

The Blonde Duck said...

It knocked over the grill? Holy crap!

Carrie said...

Oh my - those winds were wicked! My house was whistling most of the week with all the bad windows are our house. lol

blueviolet said...

Do you still have the doors? Can you put them back on?

Frizzy and Bird said...

I'm thankful you and your family are ok. Mother nature sure can throw a fit can't she?!

Debbie said...

That was some storm! Are you going to be able to repair the shed?

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