Garden Planning

Garden Chores

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's Back!!

Remember my dying rose from last week? Well, I took some of your advice and look at it now:

It's coming back!! My Grandma's roses are back! Thanks everyone for the tips because I think it is going to make it:-)


Donetta said...

Oh Joy! I am so happy for you of this It still looks a little buried deep in the crown. Can you whisk away some of the earth at the center of the crown. Don't unearth the plant just remove the dirt in the center so that the crown is up a bit more to breath.

Michelle said...

Looks like it's going to come back.Yeah!!!

Frizzy and Bird said...

Yeah! I know this must be sooo exciting to see. I know I would be especially if it were my grandmother's.

Alicia said...

Oh yay!!!!!!!!!! How exiciting!

cat said...

Oh wow! Great going girl - nursing it back.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Oh yay!! I know you are so happy!!

Despins said...

Hooray! Glad it survived!

Roxane said...

Oh yeay! I'm so glad losing plants is the worst!

Melissa B. said...

I'm soooooo happy for you and Rosie! Roses can be fickle...especially heirloom plants like yours. Look forward to seeing the Superior Snap of Rosie in bloom!

Cascia said...

That is wonderful! I hope you get lots of beautiful blooms from it.

The Blonde Duck said...

Hooray! She's a fighter! said...

That's awesome... way to go!

Michelle said...

Oh sure, tell us that you did something and it worked but don't share what tips you used ;)

So glad it's coming back! That has to be exciting for you... and a great memory of your grandmother.

EmmaP said...

awww how lovely. your grandmother is giving back to you and to mother earth! :)

Controlling My Chaos said...

That's great news. I know you hear about people having so many problems with roses, but really they have very basic needs. We've had many a rose bush that Peanut Head didn't think made it through the winter and I told him to just prune it and wait, and almost every single time it has come back.

Debbie said...

Good for you! You are developing a green thumb:)

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Oh, wow! That is awesome, Susie!

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